Paranormal TV shows Segment 23
There has been an explosion of shows on TV dealing with the paranormal. There are good things associated with their popularity. It's making paranormal investigations more acceptable. Those of us who are paranormal investigators are not seen as kooks anymore. But in the same breathe when are they considered a bad influence on our profession as a whole?
In the begging of several shows, they seemed like a real group that went out and investigated because that is what they enjoy. After time went on and “Hollywood” came into play everything seems so fake. Not everything is paranormal. If you have to be told 3 times what the EVP said, throw it out. Not a good EVP. And don’t even get me started on orbs!! YOU ARE WALKING AROUND IN A OLD DIRTY BUILDING! You are going to kick up dust!! There are some better than others, but they are still interesting none the less.
We recently got to bring in “everyday” people for an investigation with us. Because of the TV shows we all watch, they were expecting to see something or hear something from the moment they walked in the door. It just doesn’t happen like that. Paranormal Investigations are normally pretty dull. We sit on dirty floors talking to ourselves, hoping for a response. On the shows take an 8-10 hour investigation and condince it into a 35-40 minute show. It is always interesting that way. Espically when you have 10 min of history 5 minutes of setting up, then another 5-10 minutes of evidence review. So that leaves you with 15-20 minutes of their 8-10 hour investigation.
There are some pretty good movies made, but we always have to remember they have Hollywood effects on them. Not the way we see them in the real world.
When watching anything on TV you always have to remind yourselves “it is just tv.”