Ovilus: What is it? Does it work? Segment 20
The Ovilus is an instrument that was designed to interpret different energies that it assimilates into words. It will begin to speak using environmental energy to repeat words from the 512 word dictionary. So if you are using the Ovilus at an investigation and notice that it uses some words over and over that is because it is picking up the same energy that is being translated into that word. It doesn’t mean that it is using the word randomly. Then as you ask questions listen to the response. Filter out the common words that it is using over and over and listen for more specific words that may relate to your investigation.
The Ovilus is one of many paranormal field experimental devices created by Bill Chappell, a retired electronics engineer and the founder of the digitaldowsing.com website. He states the device works by measuring changes in the “environmental” energy fields around it. It modulates the energy changes into audible speech using a synthesizer chip, an extensive English word dictionary, and a function that phonetically sounds out words. Mr. Chappell calls this process ECM or “Environmental Communications Mode” and states his devices do not employ any arbitrary techniques to produce results such as random generation, sweep functioning, or programmed algorithms.
The Ovilus is a small, lightweight device that is portable enough to be taken anywhere during an investigation. It is powered by a 9-volt battery and has two audio-out jacks so headphones, external speakers, or audio recorders can be used simultaneously with the device. The Ovilus also features a bright array of LED lights to graphically display various readings, a feature useful for low light use.
The device has seven modes of operation. It includes a dictionary mode containing 512 stored words, phonetic mode (sounds out words by syllable), a combination mode (both dictionary words and phonetics) and a “yes” or “no” mode. It also features an electromagnetic field (EMF) mode that verbally outputs EMF levels in milligauss, a level mode that only graphically displays EMF levels, and a dowsing mode that simulates virtual dowsing rods.
Due to the random nature of the replies, many paranormal research groups have stopped using the Ovilus because too much is left to chance. It is posited that you could pull random words out of a hat and get the same response as what comes out of the Ovilus. In our groups experience it just says to many random things. How do you know when it is a real responce or some electrical current flowing through a near wall?? Don't feel it is reliable enough.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Franks Box
What are they? What do they do? Do they work? Segment 19
There are two controversial pieces of equipment out there I wanted to touch on. Some people don't like them and think they don't work, others live by what they say.... What do you think?
Franks Box

The Franks Box is also known as the telephone to the dead. The Franks box is basically a device that can scan either AM or FM radio frequencies, allowing you to here the frequencies as they are being scanned. In theory for a ghost to communicate with you, one of the ways is through EVP by using the electronics in your audio device to pick up its' frequency. The problem with this approach is you need to play back your audio to listen to the voices, were as the Franks Box, while scanning different frequencies and having speakers hooked up to it allows the ghost to communicate with you as you are asking questions to it.
This device was created by Frank Sumption several years ago as a means to further his interest in EVP research. Frank began experimenting with EVP in the year 2000 which led to using a computer program called EVP maker invented by the German researcher Stefan Bion.
The problem with using the Franks Box is that the AM and FM frequencies are picking up broadcasts from all over the area, such as news or music that is normally broadcasted over AM or FM stations. Through the Franks box it may also pick up 2 way radio, and CB radio frequencies, that can also alter your results. So, while it is a good concept, unless you are in an area that is pretty remote and cannot pick up other interferences, it is pretty much useless. (my opinion) Yes, you may pick up something, but how do you know it wasnt someone on the radio that happend to say soemthing that went along with your question. Happens more than you think.
After receiving various messages from "computer savvy" spirits relaying messages for other spirits who were not so technologically advanced, Frank came up with the idea to create a device that hopefully all spirits could use. His design was apparent to him almost immediately, but the actual construction of the device has led him to create at least 25 different models to date. Each box is unique in design and construction, but is based on the same principle.
Frank's spirit receiver starts off with a standard white noise generator which is fed through a random voltage circuit of Frank's own design. The random voltage is linked to an AM radio receiver which reacts to the voltage by tuning to a specific spot on the radio dial. This is known as voltage tuning and is a common function of late 80s and early 90s radio receivers. Though various radio stations are turned in for a split second every so often along with regular static, the devices also allows the spirits to interact with the device and create their own vocals through the receiver and for lack of a better term, talk through the device.A newer version of the box simply tunes back and fourth through the AM band which Frank is calling the "Sweep" method. At first, he believed that the random voltage design is what allowed it to work but after using the sweep method, he has since changed his mind as it seems to do a better job.
Frank has made his plans available on the Internet for anyone who is interested in experimenting with his device. He also makes available his own receiver plans for those who want to take it a step further and create the entire box from start to finish.Frank has created at least 25 versions of the box to date and handed them to several individuals for ongoing tests. The initial results have been pretty positive and many people have experienced some kind of communication which they would regard as evidence that the box really works. Unfortunately, the difficult part about Frank's design is his using the AM radio band as the medium for receiving the voices. This is one fact that makes it easy for any skeptic to debunk the operation of his device. For starters, the device will receive little snippets from various radio stations as it scans through the AM band. At any given minute the device could spew some various words from passing stations that could be put together as a sentence and claimed to be from a spirit when in fact its just audio matrixing. Another possible scenario includes a few parts from Radio Shack and a couple of minutes of assembly could yield a small yet powerful enough transmitter to broadcast over the AM band and inject various words and phrases into the box directly.
Definite care should be taken when operating the device to ensure the above scenarios are not part of the equation. Using recorders and other tools, such as an EMF detector, can help legitimize the results. EMF detectors should be placed far enough away as not to cause interference with the box or produce false readings on the detector itself.
There are two controversial pieces of equipment out there I wanted to touch on. Some people don't like them and think they don't work, others live by what they say.... What do you think?
Franks Box
The Franks Box is also known as the telephone to the dead. The Franks box is basically a device that can scan either AM or FM radio frequencies, allowing you to here the frequencies as they are being scanned. In theory for a ghost to communicate with you, one of the ways is through EVP by using the electronics in your audio device to pick up its' frequency. The problem with this approach is you need to play back your audio to listen to the voices, were as the Franks Box, while scanning different frequencies and having speakers hooked up to it allows the ghost to communicate with you as you are asking questions to it.
This device was created by Frank Sumption several years ago as a means to further his interest in EVP research. Frank began experimenting with EVP in the year 2000 which led to using a computer program called EVP maker invented by the German researcher Stefan Bion.
The problem with using the Franks Box is that the AM and FM frequencies are picking up broadcasts from all over the area, such as news or music that is normally broadcasted over AM or FM stations. Through the Franks box it may also pick up 2 way radio, and CB radio frequencies, that can also alter your results. So, while it is a good concept, unless you are in an area that is pretty remote and cannot pick up other interferences, it is pretty much useless. (my opinion) Yes, you may pick up something, but how do you know it wasnt someone on the radio that happend to say soemthing that went along with your question. Happens more than you think.
After receiving various messages from "computer savvy" spirits relaying messages for other spirits who were not so technologically advanced, Frank came up with the idea to create a device that hopefully all spirits could use. His design was apparent to him almost immediately, but the actual construction of the device has led him to create at least 25 different models to date. Each box is unique in design and construction, but is based on the same principle.
Frank's spirit receiver starts off with a standard white noise generator which is fed through a random voltage circuit of Frank's own design. The random voltage is linked to an AM radio receiver which reacts to the voltage by tuning to a specific spot on the radio dial. This is known as voltage tuning and is a common function of late 80s and early 90s radio receivers. Though various radio stations are turned in for a split second every so often along with regular static, the devices also allows the spirits to interact with the device and create their own vocals through the receiver and for lack of a better term, talk through the device.A newer version of the box simply tunes back and fourth through the AM band which Frank is calling the "Sweep" method. At first, he believed that the random voltage design is what allowed it to work but after using the sweep method, he has since changed his mind as it seems to do a better job.
Frank has made his plans available on the Internet for anyone who is interested in experimenting with his device. He also makes available his own receiver plans for those who want to take it a step further and create the entire box from start to finish.Frank has created at least 25 versions of the box to date and handed them to several individuals for ongoing tests. The initial results have been pretty positive and many people have experienced some kind of communication which they would regard as evidence that the box really works. Unfortunately, the difficult part about Frank's design is his using the AM radio band as the medium for receiving the voices. This is one fact that makes it easy for any skeptic to debunk the operation of his device. For starters, the device will receive little snippets from various radio stations as it scans through the AM band. At any given minute the device could spew some various words from passing stations that could be put together as a sentence and claimed to be from a spirit when in fact its just audio matrixing. Another possible scenario includes a few parts from Radio Shack and a couple of minutes of assembly could yield a small yet powerful enough transmitter to broadcast over the AM band and inject various words and phrases into the box directly.
Definite care should be taken when operating the device to ensure the above scenarios are not part of the equation. Using recorders and other tools, such as an EMF detector, can help legitimize the results. EMF detectors should be placed far enough away as not to cause interference with the box or produce false readings on the detector itself.
franks box,
ghost box,
Information Segment,
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
What are Apparitions?
Apparitions Segment 18
An apparition is defined as the supernatural manifestation of the soul of a deceased person or animal, typically referred to as a ghost. Apparitions are visual experiences. The one thing that is known about apparitions is that no two are exactly alike. They are as complex and diverse as each living person. Every apparition will have it's own cause, origin and meaning. The visual appearance of any spirit, ghost, or unusual phenomenon that doesn’t necessarily take on the shape of a human form nor does it show signs of intelligence or personality. Usually they have a translucide human form that let appear the clothing of their period. They can also appear as incomplete, disfigured or headless. Most often, they show up and faint in a second. Ghosts can come in a variety of forms: children, men, women, animals and demonstrate various feeling. Some will pass without even noticing you, other remain hidden and seem just to focus on frightening you. Some will try to chase you out of their refuge, other will seek attention and even help or guidance. There are a few different kinds of apparitions.
Atmospheric Apparition This type of ghost sighting is not actually believed to be a real ghost, but instead a visual “imprint” that got left behind in the environment from a past event. These events typically include, but are not limited to, violent and tragic events. The ghostly scenes are played and replayed with both picture and sound. A particularly strange aspect of atmospheric apparitions is that the visual picture fades down over time. As the years pass the ghosts are reported to become more and more transparent until there is no picture left at all. Over time, the sound too eventually fades away.
Historical ApparitionThese apparitions are one step up from the atmospheric apparition. They typically haunt older homes and appear in solid forms acting natural. They are always dressed in period clothing and do not speak, communicate or acknowledge the presence of the living. They are seen in more than one location of the residence.
Recurring ApparitionRecurring apparitions are ghosts that occur in regular cycles over a period of time, usually once annually. This type of ghost sighting is one of the most popular. The date of manifestation usually occurs on an anniversary date or a day of special importance to the deceased. These apparitions can include both ghosts of people and animals. Reports of recurring ghosts include individuals who have committed suicide, murder victims, and entire phantom armies marching across battlefields.
Modern ApparitionsModern ghosts are the spirits of present-day ghosts. Not all ghosts are from ancient haunted places or of two hundred-year-old dead people. These ghosts are relatively new, looking and sounding like modern people. They still have all the same characteristics as the older haunts, (strange noises, odd odors, cold spots, etc.). Of course as decades of time pass the haunting will become more traditional and the apparitions will look dated. The times and styles will continue to change but the apparitions will not.
Crisis and Death Bed ApparitionsThese apparitions appear to loved ones or close friends just before or soon after their death. They are very common ghost sightings that almost never occur after more than four days after death. Crisis apparitions are most popular during periods of wars were hundreds of cases of the appearances of dying or dead service men thousand of miles away are reported. The crisis ghost appears one last time to fulfill a promise, say a final goodbye, or express eternal love to help ease the sadness of death for the living left behind.
Family Apparitions
These spirits attach themselves to a particular family, thus the name, family apparitions. They will haunt every member of the family through each generation until the family line
comes to an end. These ghosts include the spirits of deceased family members and animals. The appearance of these ghosts usually signals that someone within the family is about to die. Usually there are no prior health problems until the phantom manifests, then family members suddenly fall ill and die or become the victims of some other untimely death. These apparitions are considered to be dark omens and are the hardest ghost to get rid of. All charms, spells and even exorcism fail. It may be because these apparitions are not actually causing the deaths, just foretelling them in an eerie manner. The only escape known for this haunting is the end of the family line.
Photographic ApparitionsThese are ghosts that are not seen visually, but can be photographed. Most people are unaware that they have taken a picture of a ghost until they develop the film. The ghosts
appearing in photographs may appear in slightly transparent grayish forms wearing period clothing, or more commonly as bright white patches of concentrated energy. Blurred areas and unexplained smears on only certain areas of a photograph are believed by some to be caused by a nearby spirit. This phenomenon has taken a new twist over the past fifteen years with the revolution of the personal video cam corder. Ghosts or phantom like images have been recorded accidentally by regular everyday people and by
experienced ghost hunters.
An Out of Body ApparitionThe strange occurrences of Out Of Body apparitions are when people report seeing the ghost of someone whom is still alive and could not have been nearby at the time of the sighting. These apparitions appear in very much the same form as a regular ghost. They can be solid or transparent, acting similar to the real person. The person whose ghost was seen is not dying or for that matter is not even sick. They are perfectly healthy individuals who say they remember everything about their Out Of Body experience and give details that can be verified. Some people claim to be able to induce the experience at will, a kind of spirit jumping. Because these apparitions can appear to people that may not know the
individual in real life the apparition may be mistaken for a more traditional ghost. It is said that if the living soul stays Out Of Body too long then the body will die and the soul will be left a wandering ghost
http://www.riverbendparanormal.com/photos.htm Click to see 2 photos of apparitions we have captured
An apparition is defined as the supernatural manifestation of the soul of a deceased person or animal, typically referred to as a ghost. Apparitions are visual experiences. The one thing that is known about apparitions is that no two are exactly alike. They are as complex and diverse as each living person. Every apparition will have it's own cause, origin and meaning. The visual appearance of any spirit, ghost, or unusual phenomenon that doesn’t necessarily take on the shape of a human form nor does it show signs of intelligence or personality. Usually they have a translucide human form that let appear the clothing of their period. They can also appear as incomplete, disfigured or headless. Most often, they show up and faint in a second. Ghosts can come in a variety of forms: children, men, women, animals and demonstrate various feeling. Some will pass without even noticing you, other remain hidden and seem just to focus on frightening you. Some will try to chase you out of their refuge, other will seek attention and even help or guidance. There are a few different kinds of apparitions.
Atmospheric Apparition This type of ghost sighting is not actually believed to be a real ghost, but instead a visual “imprint” that got left behind in the environment from a past event. These events typically include, but are not limited to, violent and tragic events. The ghostly scenes are played and replayed with both picture and sound. A particularly strange aspect of atmospheric apparitions is that the visual picture fades down over time. As the years pass the ghosts are reported to become more and more transparent until there is no picture left at all. Over time, the sound too eventually fades away.
Historical ApparitionThese apparitions are one step up from the atmospheric apparition. They typically haunt older homes and appear in solid forms acting natural. They are always dressed in period clothing and do not speak, communicate or acknowledge the presence of the living. They are seen in more than one location of the residence.
Recurring ApparitionRecurring apparitions are ghosts that occur in regular cycles over a period of time, usually once annually. This type of ghost sighting is one of the most popular. The date of manifestation usually occurs on an anniversary date or a day of special importance to the deceased. These apparitions can include both ghosts of people and animals. Reports of recurring ghosts include individuals who have committed suicide, murder victims, and entire phantom armies marching across battlefields.
Modern ApparitionsModern ghosts are the spirits of present-day ghosts. Not all ghosts are from ancient haunted places or of two hundred-year-old dead people. These ghosts are relatively new, looking and sounding like modern people. They still have all the same characteristics as the older haunts, (strange noises, odd odors, cold spots, etc.). Of course as decades of time pass the haunting will become more traditional and the apparitions will look dated. The times and styles will continue to change but the apparitions will not.
Crisis and Death Bed ApparitionsThese apparitions appear to loved ones or close friends just before or soon after their death. They are very common ghost sightings that almost never occur after more than four days after death. Crisis apparitions are most popular during periods of wars were hundreds of cases of the appearances of dying or dead service men thousand of miles away are reported. The crisis ghost appears one last time to fulfill a promise, say a final goodbye, or express eternal love to help ease the sadness of death for the living left behind.
Family Apparitions
These spirits attach themselves to a particular family, thus the name, family apparitions. They will haunt every member of the family through each generation until the family line
comes to an end. These ghosts include the spirits of deceased family members and animals. The appearance of these ghosts usually signals that someone within the family is about to die. Usually there are no prior health problems until the phantom manifests, then family members suddenly fall ill and die or become the victims of some other untimely death. These apparitions are considered to be dark omens and are the hardest ghost to get rid of. All charms, spells and even exorcism fail. It may be because these apparitions are not actually causing the deaths, just foretelling them in an eerie manner. The only escape known for this haunting is the end of the family line.
Photographic ApparitionsThese are ghosts that are not seen visually, but can be photographed. Most people are unaware that they have taken a picture of a ghost until they develop the film. The ghosts
appearing in photographs may appear in slightly transparent grayish forms wearing period clothing, or more commonly as bright white patches of concentrated energy. Blurred areas and unexplained smears on only certain areas of a photograph are believed by some to be caused by a nearby spirit. This phenomenon has taken a new twist over the past fifteen years with the revolution of the personal video cam corder. Ghosts or phantom like images have been recorded accidentally by regular everyday people and by
experienced ghost hunters.
An Out of Body ApparitionThe strange occurrences of Out Of Body apparitions are when people report seeing the ghost of someone whom is still alive and could not have been nearby at the time of the sighting. These apparitions appear in very much the same form as a regular ghost. They can be solid or transparent, acting similar to the real person. The person whose ghost was seen is not dying or for that matter is not even sick. They are perfectly healthy individuals who say they remember everything about their Out Of Body experience and give details that can be verified. Some people claim to be able to induce the experience at will, a kind of spirit jumping. Because these apparitions can appear to people that may not know the
individual in real life the apparition may be mistaken for a more traditional ghost. It is said that if the living soul stays Out Of Body too long then the body will die and the soul will be left a wandering ghost
http://www.riverbendparanormal.com/photos.htm Click to see 2 photos of apparitions we have captured
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