Sunday, May 29, 2011


Ovilus: What is it? Does it work?                                 Segment 20

The Ovilus is an instrument that was designed to interpret different energies that it assimilates into words. It will begin to speak using environmental energy to repeat words from the 512 word dictionary. So if you are using the Ovilus at an investigation and notice that it uses some words over and over that is because it is picking up the same energy that is being translated into that word. It doesn’t mean that it is using the word randomly. Then as you ask questions listen to the response. Filter out the common words that it is using over and over and listen for more specific words that may relate to your investigation.

The Ovilus is one of many paranormal field experimental devices created by Bill Chappell, a retired electronics engineer and the founder of the website. He states the device works by measuring changes in the “environmental” energy fields around it. It modulates the energy changes into audible speech using a synthesizer chip, an extensive English word dictionary, and a function that phonetically sounds out words. Mr. Chappell calls this process ECM or “Environmental Communications Mode” and states his devices do not employ any arbitrary techniques to produce results such as random generation, sweep functioning, or programmed algorithms.

The Ovilus is a small, lightweight device that is portable enough to be taken anywhere during an investigation. It is powered by a 9-volt battery and has two audio-out jacks so headphones, external speakers, or audio recorders can be used simultaneously with the device. The Ovilus also features a bright array of LED lights to graphically display various readings, a feature useful for low light use.
The device has seven modes of operation. It includes a dictionary mode containing 512 stored words, phonetic mode (sounds out words by syllable), a combination mode (both dictionary words and phonetics) and a “yes” or “no” mode. It also features an electromagnetic field (EMF) mode that verbally outputs EMF levels in milligauss, a level mode that only graphically displays EMF levels, and a dowsing mode that simulates virtual dowsing rods.

Due to the random nature of the replies, many paranormal research groups have stopped using the Ovilus because too much is left to chance. It is posited that you could pull random words out of a hat and get the same response as what comes out of the Ovilus. In our groups experience it just says to many random things. How do you know when it is a real responce or some electrical current flowing through a near wall?? Don't feel it is reliable enough.

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