James J. Eldred House
The James J. Eldred House is beautiful stone building in Eldred, IL. It has an interesting story and history. I only hope with all the recent and upcoming exposure show that great things are to come to this house. Lets take a little look into the history of the James J. Eldred House.
The Eldred Family had several kings in the eighth and ninth centuries. All the way to 1600’s. The Eldred family made a name for themselves in England. There was even a monument to the memory of John Eldred erected by his son Revett which includes a bust with a mural tablet.
It is not known why the Eldreds moved to North America, but their sacrifice helped shape the heritage and history of the East coast, Greene county Illinois, and beyond. In 1861 this iconic house was finished being built. It was an amazing 23 room house. Shortly after, tragedy hit his family. All three Eldred daughters died at home: Alma at age 4 in 1861, Alice at 17 in 1870, and Eva at 17 in 1876 all from tuberculosis. In 1883 a 38 year-old cousin named Albon E. Wilson purchased the house due to debts the Eldred family had occurred after the tragedy of their children’s deaths. It was then sold to Robert H. Levis of Godfrey, IL in 1936.
After three years of negotiations, a non profit organization, The Illinois Valley Cultural Heritage Association (IVCHA), was granted custodianship of the house in June, 1995. IVCHA hoped to restore the house and use it for a visitor’s center for the area. By the time Bluffdale Farms (Levis family) donated the property, the building was in disrepair but the structure itself was sound.
To read more in detail about the Eldred family please visit their website. This short history was summarized from their history page.
I was also told that a traveling saleman stopped to see the Eldreds and was not feeling well. The Eldreds allowed him to spend the night at the home and was found dead the next morning. He is thought to be be buried in the back of the lot of the home.
Shows that have featured the house
On April 14th, 2012 the Alton, IL paranormal show "Voices From Beyond" featured the Eldred House. You can see the show HERE. In the show you will be able to hear Kelly Davis talk about the history of the house and her experiences. Also get a little look around the house.
On June 2nd, 2012 My Ghost Story on the BIO channel did a show featuring the Eldred House. You can watch it here. HERE. It is episode 35. You will get to see a few pieces of evidence caught in the house.
It has also been featured on Illinois stories tv show with Mark McDonald. Website, and in a 2010 edition of Haunted Times magazine. Website.
Upcoming Events/Information
Check back the last week of June for an Exciting announcement about a special event that will be going on at the Eldred House!! I will have all the details for you. You are in for a special treat!!
They are going "Mainstreets" this year for Greene County Day's Sept 8th -10th. Part of this will be an at the James J Eldred House. This will be your chance to walk through the house and surrounding properties. You can click HERE for more informaton. Of course the IVCHA (Illinois Valley Cultural Heritage Association) is always taking donations to help the renovation of the house as well as volunteers and new members. You may contact them at their website or on their facebook page. Any and all donations of your time or monetary kinds are greatly appreciated and put to good use.
Paranormal The house has claims from being touched, footsteps, knAocking, rocks being thrown, apparitions, audible voices, and also claims of hearing Native American drumming, and apparitions. Certinly a treat to the paranormal community.
Our team investigated here last week and we were not disappointed. Below is a video of our investigation.
Our evidence will be posted on our website very soon. Please check back for more evidence. For the moment you can see this thermal video Robbin Terry caught while we were there. We are not claiming it to be paranormal just incredibly interesting. What do you think??
Impressions on the House
I have been to Eldred House numerous times, both on private and public investigations. There have been many personal experiences in the home and on the grounds. I do believe the place is very active for haunted investigations and would suggest people check it out. On a recent trip to Eldred I was able to capture a couple of interesting shots on thermal camera. Many people experience rocks being thrown at them, touched or pushed, doors open and close, and much more.
~Robbin Terry
The house is always warm and inviting. I truly think the spirts there are happy there not being ignored any longer and Are eager to interact
~Loren Hamilton
I think it's an very cool old house and after being there twice I think there is paranormal activity there. There were rocks being thrown. In an upstairs bedroom Bobbi asked something to throw a rock at me. Right after that, a rock actually landed in the middle of all of us, close to me. Bobbi said she saw the rock come off of the ground and fly in my direction. In the kitchen, rocks were also being thrown, I'm not sure from where but they would land in the center of the room near a bucket. I also experianced cold spots, more like a low swirling breeze in an upstairs bedroom. I also thought I saw shadows near the edge of the yard when I was sitting outside.
~Eric Bequette
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us and we can get you in contact with the correct person or you can contact them directly. I also wanted to post this picture I found on flickr. The sign says "This Place Matters" We often forget that the founding houses and buildings do matter in our future. They are often found decrepit and worn. It is the great giving people who take interest in them and fix them up that are keeping some history in our future.
Website http://www.eldredhouse.com
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/TheEldredHouse
Voices From Beyond Show http://www.riverbender.com/video/details.cfm?id=1315
My Ghost Story Show http://www.biography.com/tv/my-ghost-story/videos
"Mainstreets" Information http://www.eldredhouse.com/index_files/GreeneCountyMainstreet.htm
Bump in the Night http://www.bumpinthenight.net/
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