Friday, October 12, 2012

We Are Their Heaven Review

I figured I would start doing book overviews/reviews. The paranormal book that I am starting with is "We Are Their Heaven" By Allison DuBois. This book was published in 2006. It is written by a medium. She was the inspiration of the TV show Medium. I have always been kinda sceptical of mediums and psychics. I just couldnt fathom how they could see and talk to the dead. After reading this book, I am a true believer. I have even contacted a local medium to do a reading for me. If she is ok with it, I will do a post about it later.
The foreward is written by the authors husband, Joe DuBois. He says, "Allison's mediumship abliity is a natural talent, a gift, some would say." (xi)(page numbers in perenthesis) He goes on talking about his wife and paying her compliments.
In the Introduction she explains what the purpose of the book is.  She explains how she believes in Heaven, but thinks that our passed loved ones' heaven is with us. Watching over and guiding us. We would be their favorite things and place to be. She says, "Parents who die still want to be there for their kids on the days they're needed most. Children who die want to see their parents, siblings, and friends laugh again and , most important, "feel" their presence and continuing love. So, yes, they have a beautiful sanctuary where everything is as it should be, but never forget that we are their heaven." (xix)
Chapter 1 is all about the loss of a child. She shares stories of a few parents who have sought out her help as well as her side of the reading as well. It is really eye opening. The things that she told these parents helped them tremendously. One of her clients said it best, "those you've lost are not gone, and you will never be alone." (45)
Chapter 2 is all about spouses. She has a few stories of people who have lost their husband or wife. She has learned a valuable lesson from these instances. "I try to remember the lessons I've learned through those who've died and those who live and miss them. When Joe rides my nerves, I take a very deep breath and I thank God for the times I've had with him and for my extraordinary daughters" (56-57) I believe this is a good lesson for us all. How many times a day do you get annoyed with someone you love? We need to remember to be thankful that they are still here with us to annoy us or get on our nerves.
Chapter 3 is all about the TV show Medium. The show is baised on the author. She says not all of the plot lines are completely true, but most are baised on her experiences. Her daughters in real life and on the show are pretty spot on. As well as her husband. She goes over some of the episodes that are based on true stories of her life. "One of the most important facets of Medium is how it shows a family learning to deal with what comes their way and how they become closer and stronger for it." (104)
Chapter 4 starts like this. "All people with intuitive gifts must learn how to comprehend signs" (121) It is all about how she deals with the gift she has and how to recognize signs all around you. Even if you aren't a medium, you can be open to seeing things around you. She talks about overwelming feelings, premonitions, and many signs that point to one thing. I have experienced some of these. I had overwelming feeling that my brother in law and a friend should not drive the night they both wrecked their vehicles on two different times. I have had dreams that play out exactly the next day. Being a paranormal investigator, I have had the feeling that someone is watching me, or following me. Just depends on how open you are to these signs.
Chapter 5 "This chapter is dedicated to all the children who miss their mom or dad" (135) It is about the loss of a parent. My husband just lost his dad to a tragic accident last week and this chapter hit home to me. This is one thing that I hope I will get answers to when I meet with the medium soon. She talks about how after her dad passed she could not see him or talk to him. She was agervated the one she wanted to see the most, she couldnt. She was on the phone with a medium friend several months later and her father passed as well and she was having the same issue. Each of their fathers went to the other medium. It was just what she needed to help move on. She now, after years later, can see and talk to her dad. He helps her when she has a perticularly hard or trying day. She again shared stories of other people she has helped.
Chapter is titled "The Hard Questions" She tells her views, opinions, and experiences with murder and suicide. She talks about how she meet with a Catholic Priest who is also a medium. Asking him about being a medium and things the Bible says. "He explained to me that there is interpertation in reading the Bible and he finds that his beliefs line up most of the time with what is written in the Bible" (196)
Chapter 8 is the final chapter in the book. It is just summing up her views and thoughts. "Although I feel very stongly about what I believe, I'm not trying to convert anyone. I share my experiences and hope they strike a chord with the people who feel that this example might be right for them. For those who haven't had my experiences, I try to be understanding. For those who condemn what I do, I try to be tolerant, knowing that I feel sorry for them in many ways." (206) "There will always be people who share my beliefs and other who will criticize both who I am and what I do. Guess what? It's okay. It's all a part of life." (209)

Wow, what a book. I loved this book. I wasn't a huge believer in mediums before but after talking to a friend who is a close friend with a medium and hearing their stories and reading this book, I can now say I am a believer. I hope everyone picks up this book and reads it yourself. It is not a long book, quick easy read. You can tell how much she cares about others and helping people deal with the loss of their loved ones.
Have any good paranormal books you think I should check out? Post it in the comments or send us an email at

Here is link to buy her book on Amazon

And a link to the author's website

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