Thursday, April 14, 2011

Evidence Explained

Evidence Explained  Segment 4

Some people may use acronyms to describe their evidence they collect. Just to clarify some things this will go over all evidence and what you can expect.

EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) You will use your digital recorder to collect evps. An EVP is a voice or voice like sound that is not heard with your own ears but will be heard on your recordings. Some EVPs are more easily heard and understood than others. They can vary in gender , age of person, tone and emotion. They usually speak in single-words, phrases and short sentences. Sometimes they are just grunts, groans, growling and other vocal noises. There have been recordings speaking in various languages too.
You can view our evp page to listen to ones we have collected.

(Electromagnetic field) is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects. It affects the behavior of charged objects in the vicinity of the field. The electromagnetic field extends indefinitely throughout space and describes the electromagnetic interaction. It is one of the four fundamental forces of nature. You use a EMF detector to pick it up. First you want to do a EMF sweep in your area to get a baseline reading. You may have an area that has naturally high EMF levels. If the building you are in has no power fed to it, you should have a very low baseline and will help with your investigation. The things listed below can give you an EMF jump that you can confuse with a paranormal entity. Some of these things generate EM fields that surround the object and are a few feet thick so you do not have to be right on top of it to get a reading. Even a 2 - 7 milligauss reading can be given of by something natural so try to trace out a source.This is essential indoors.  These can interfere with your EMF readings.Computers
Clock Radio/digital alarm clocks
Electrical outlets
Electrical lines in walls, floors and ceilings
Some pipes, copper
Ballasts in fluorescent lights, even if light is off
Batteries - regular and rechargeable
Telephone lines
Power lines
Very high solar activity

Pictures You can catch many things in a photograph. You have to be very careful when reviewing your photos though. Camera movement, flashlight beams, reflections off of other objects, etc can cause false orbs, shadows, or other paranormal views. Photos are one of the ways you can “prove” you caught something. You can catch orbs, shadow figures, apparitions, item movement, etc. I will be devoting another segment to things you can capture in photos and videos. Our Photo Evidence
Videos In videos you can catch items moving, apparitions, shadows moving, emf jumps, temperature jumps. Pretty much anything you can see and some you cant see can be documented. You can also catch evps on your videos. Our Video Evidence

Temperature If you have a set 77.2 degrees at a location you are at and you all of a sudden get a 10-15 degree drop you may want to call that paranormal. Entities can cause temperature changes when they use energy to try to accomplish something.

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