Thursday, April 14, 2011

What are the types of hauntings?

What are the Different Types of Hauntings? Segment 5

There are 6 different types of haunting. I will give you a little info on each kind.

Residual haunting is believed to be activity of reoccurring or traumatic actions from past events that leave an imprint on the environment. This type is probably the most common type of haunting. Because its' characteristics are similar to the intelligent haunting, people often mistake it for an intelligent/traditional haunting. Like intelligent haunts, some examples of activity are phantom footsteps, sounds, images, and scents. One major difference between this haunting and the intelligent/traditional haunting, is that this type of haunting is not considered to be that of a ghost, and there is no interaction with the living. It is believed that this activity is the dissipation of stored energy from the site. The theory is the energy is stored or absorbed by the site due to repetitive or traumatic events of the energy expended while performing such actions. Similar to a tape player, the energy is stored in the magnetic field of the environment. Over time the energy builds up and is discharged showing a replay of the event, and then the cycle starts again. Some suggest that atmospheric conditions such as storms may initiate the playback. There is also a quantum physics theory that relates the energy as light particles that are dormant until they are stimulated by an outside variable under the proper conditions. Researchers have observed that the energy tends to diminish over periods of time until eventually it is either exhausted, or the level is so low that it is not experienced again. The entities involved in this residual haunting activity are unaware of their surroundings. This is not an intelligent haunting, there is no interaction between you and the entity. Residual haunting activity can also be caused by positive energy blasted into the atmosphere. Many times you have heard ghost stories, where people can hear the sounds of a party. They hear music, singing, dancing, laughter and when they enter the room where they hear the party, there is no one there. Residual haunting activity can be the specters of living beings.

Poltergeist haunting  The German word, "poltergeist," means "noisy ghost." These are a type of haunting that individuals all throughout history have claimed to experience. It is important to note that, no two poltergeist spirits are the same. These spirits are able to completely manipulate the environment that they frequent in a physical manner. Physical interruptions to the environment that they are a part of include the possibility of physical attack, objects that appear to be moved or are observed moving with no physical assistance, and even severe cases of combustion that is considered to be spontaneous. It is believed that if there is a teenager who is female in the home, poltergeist activity is more likely to occur. Individuals, who are young, open to psychic abilities, and those who are extremely fearful seem to attract poltergeist hauntings more than others. This is simply because these individuals have a higher level of energy surrounding them. It is believed that these types of spirits will actually draw their energy from the person who has a high level of energy. Energy is an essential component for a spirit to operate once they are in the spiritual world. The more energy that these spirits are introduced to, the more energy that they feed off of. Poltergeists are not all bad. In some, playfulness and general mischief is all that is experienced. However, there are some situations in which a poltergeist may be very ominous and frightening.

Demon haunting is especially frightening to the individual that experiences it. There is absolutely no “good” when it comes to demonic spirits. The word demon comes from the Greek word daimon, which means a divine or semi-divine power that determined a person's fate. Some believe demons are angels who have fallen from grace or have chosen to take the cross over to the dark side, so to speak. Demons are evil, supernatural beings of intelligence, wit, and immense power. They have the power to invade our homes, attach themselves to objects, and inflict torture both mentally and emotionally by attacking or even possessing the human body. Demons are usually portrayed as large, muscular, human-like creatures. They are usually thought to be red, winged, and even surrounded by fire. They can take on any form they want, but mostly commonly it is a half man, half animal form. In many cases, demons are summoned by someone using a Ouija board, or tinkering with some form to magic, witchcraft,or demon worship that perhaps they shouldn't be tinkering with. They most likely don't know what they could be getting themselves into. Demonic hauntings are commonly represented by a stench similar to rotting flesh or sulfuric acid. The air in the area will feel thick and the temperature will drastically change, typically becoming warmer, although intense coldness is sometimes present. Growling sounds seem to come from everywhere all at once. The sounds of manacing laughter or disembodied voices speaking in foreign tongues, usually Latin, can often be heard. The demon may make verbal threats or throw objects. They like to push, shove, hit, and scratch. They may cause nightmares, consistent bad luck, and overwhelming senses of hate, anger, and evil. A demon's main goal seems to be to break down a person's free will so they can possess them. Demons have the ability to morph into any shape they want. They can change from a human form to an inhuman form before your very eyes. They are neither male nor female, but will change to whatever meets their need at the time. Demons are commonly seen as black masses standing in doorways or in the corner of the room. Demon hauntings usually start in a subtle way. Faucets dripping, scratches in the walls, thumping sounds. These behaviors are typically the same behaviors displayed by a poltergiest, but more extreme. It's common for several entities to exist in one location with a strong evil presence seemingly controlling the others and not allowing them to cross over. It is believed that demons hate humans and think them very lowly and stupid. Demons should never be challenged, unless you want a crash course on how weak you really are. Most demonic entities like a challenge and are incredibly conniving; they may have you believing they are good spirits or may appear to have gone away, only to confront you again at the least expected and most vulnerable moment. Short of an exorcism, which is usually successful, some believe it may be possible to actually command a demon to leave. Be persistent, show no fear and tell it to get out. They will leave, although not necessarily right away, but keep trying. Also, it's been said that demons don't like to be ignored. If it can't get you to fear it, then the game is over. Like say they, ignore it and it will go away. It's worth a shot at least.
Something else that might help is smudging. To smudge your house, open the windows and light a bundle of dried sage. Sage is believed to clear away negative energy and spirits. Catch the ashes with a plate held underneath the bundle and walk around your home to cleanse it with the sage smoke. It is also said that sprinkling holy water throughout the house might work too. Demons have lived for thousands of years and will be here long after we're gone. Although it's possible to get a demon to leave a place with the above mentioned methods, but they may not necessarily be destroyed. They may just find a new place to terrorize.

(It is not recommended to contact or to try to get rid of a demon on your own. For your own safety please contact someone who is experienced and knowledgeable about demon removal.)

Intelligent/Interactive huanting
Intelligent hauntings manifest typically in what some may consider "signs." Hiding or moving objects, doors opening and closing, strange sounds, spiritual presence (goosebumps, eg), disturbance of electrical devices are all examples of ghosts attempting to gain someone's attention and communicate from the spirit realm. One may also experience dreams and visions of loved ones, especially right before or after sleep when most are open to contact (and the left brain is quieted down). It is also not uncommon to physically see a ghostly loved on, as well. The best thing one can do is remain open to the contact and listen to what is heard deep within, as that is how ghosts primarily communicate. Speak to the spirit, your ghostly friend, in words of peace, understanding, blessing and love.

Shadow People or Shadow Creatures haunting Shadow people are typically described as black humanoid silhouettes with no discernible mouths, noses, or facial expressions; child-sized humanoids; or shapeless masses that sometimes change to human like form and featuring eyes that are either glowing or not discernable. Movement is said to be quick and disjointed. They are known to stare and watch people until they are noticed and then they will disappear by vanishing or walking or melting through a wall.
Some people believe them to be ghosts, while others see them as evil demons due to the unpleasant feelings that seem to accompany their presence. Others say that shadow people my be spiritual creatures that have found their way into our dimension and are curious about humans so they take our shape and observe our behaviours. Most of these spirits are harmless, although some witnesses have said to have felt choked or of being suffocated when these phenomena have been present. These actions would help to support the demon theory that shadow people are in fact malevolent and unfriendly. Although it could be paranoia for many witnesses, so many feel angry, hateful feelings coming from these dark figures.

Doppelganger Haunting . Meaning "double walker" a doppelganger is a shadow-self that accompanies every human. Only the owner of a doppelganger can see it, otherwise it is invisible to human eyes. Dogs and cats have been known to see doppelgangers. Providing sympathetic company, a doppelganger almost always stands behind a person, and they cast no reflection in a mirror. They are prepared to listen and give advice to humans, either implanting ideas in their heads, or a sort of osmosis. It is said to be bad luck if it is seen, and rarely a doppelganger will make itself visible to friends or family, often causing great confusion. Doppelgangers can be mischievous and malicious. A doppelganger, can be the ghost of a living person or any other sort of physical double. The idea of a doppelganger is sometimes similar to that of an "evil twin." The word doppelganger comes from the German Doppelgaenger, literally meaning "double-goer."
There are many different types of doppelganger, as the definition of the term has become somewhat loose, encompassing any sort of double. The doppelganger may be ghostly or appear in the flesh. It may be an "evil twin" unknown to the original person who causes mischief by confusing friends and relatives, or it may be the result of the original person being in two places at once through an act of sorcery. Scientists at the University Hospital in Geneva, Switzerland discovered that electrical stimulation of the brain, used to treat epilepsy, can produce the sensation of a doppelganger's presence in the patient.
Abraham Lincoln: The faces in the reflection were almost nose-to-nose. Startled, Lincoln got up to closer examine the reflection, but upon standing the images disappeared. On lying down again, the double image reappeared. Lincoln noticed that although the images were nearly identical, one was "a little paler—say five shades—than the other".
Lincoln admitted that the experience did "give me a little pang as if something uncomfortable had happened," but put it out of his mind until later in the evening when he told his wife about the incident. Out of curiosity, he tried to elicit the image again. He was successful one last time, but unable to show it to his wife. Mary Todd Lincoln became very worried and told Lincoln she believed that the paleness of half the dual image was a bad omen, which meant that Lincoln would serve his first full term, but would not live to finish his second.6,7
John Dunne was an English poet who claimed that he saw his wife's Doppelgänger in Paris. When he returned home, Dunne found that his wife had delivered a stillborn baby at their London home.
Emilie Sagée As Sagée was writing on the chalkboard while teaching her class of thirteen students, her double appeared, standing along side her. It was her exact image except that it wasn't holding a piece of chalk.
On another occasion, all of the school's 42 student girls were in the school hall for sewing and embroidery class. As they worked, they could clearly see Sagée in the school's garden gathering flowers. However, when the girl's teacher left the room for a moment, Sagée's Doppelgänger appeared, sitting motionless in the teacher's chair. Two girls tried to touch the apparition but were met with an odd resistance and were unable to penetrate the air surrounding the entity. Yet, one girl, stepping between the teacher's chair and the table, passed through the apparition, which then slowly vanished.
The girls noticed that on the "arrival" of the Doppelgänger, Sagée looked suddenly very tired as she worked in the garden. Sagée declared that she had never seen the apparition, but admitted that when it was present, she felt drained of energy. The girls noticed that their teacher became pale during the Doppelgänger visits.

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