Thursday, April 14, 2011

Why lights out? Why at night?

Why Lights Out, or at Night?                                       Segment 2
I have been asked many times, “why do you go at night?” or “why do you turn out all the lights”. These are some very good questions.

First off when you investigate you want to try to recreate the conditions the original complaint was made. Yes, paranormal activity does happen in the day, in light hours. But for the most part I would say it happens at night. At night it is already dark which goes with the lights out.

Nighttime is when the earth has the least amount of natural Electromagnetic Fields. As you know ghosts may manipulate or influence EMF to manifest themselves, at night we have a better chance of detecting and measuring paranormal EMF emissions during periods of low natural planetary EMF activity. Also at nighttime there is a less chance of having interference in your investigations. Noisy cars on the road, kids outside playing, screaming and making noises can easily interfere with your evp sessions.

At night time and with lights out you can also use different types of cameras that the entities may appear. You can use thermal imaging, infrared, night vision, and full spectrum cameras. We as humans do not have the ability to see at these levels of light. Admittedly, it is also very easy to be distracted by wall hangings, nick knacks on bookshelves, light coming in from a window, et cetera. With the lack of visual spectrum, like a blind person, investigators can become keener with their other senses like smell, hearing, and bodily sensations of being touched and becoming cold.

Some investigators believe that nighttime investigation is best because of the witching hour. (In European folklore, the witching hour is the time when supernatural creatures such as witches, demons and ghosts are thought to appear and be at their most powerful, and black magic at its most effective. This hour is typically midnight or the "time in the middle of the night when magic things are said to happen." The term may refer to any late hour, even without having the associated superstitious beliefs, as can be seen in the Webster's definition: "The middle of the night, especially midnight." The term "witching hour" can also refer to the period from midnight to 3am. At "3 a.m. [it is] the devil's hour, as opposed to 3 p.m., when Jesus was said to have been crucified") Definition Taken from

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