Thursday, April 14, 2011

What is a Paranormal Investigation?

What is a Paranormal Investigation?                              Segment 1
A paranormal investigation aka: ghost hunt is when a person or a group of people go to place that has had unexplained claims of things going on. i.e.: knocking, noises, objects moving, shadows, apparitions etc. You will collect evidence to prove or disprove the claims. Sometimes a noise etc. can be disproved as paranormal and be something as simple as the noise of a house settling or an object in the house making the noise.

Most investigators will use a number of tools to collect data. There are a number of things to use to detect a entity’s presence. There are a number of cameras that can be used, EMF detectors, voice recorders, thermometers, dowsing rods, and many more things. Ill do another segment just on equipment.

The actual investigation is just the first part of any investigation. Most of the time will be spent afterwards going over all your audio, videos, and pictures. That is where you will find most of your evidence. The investigation can be a long and boring process, but on that occasion you experience something it makes it all worth it. It amps you up and keeps you coming back for more.

Some general tips when investigating:

1. Never go alone You never know what you will find. There are some old building that you may investigate and it is very easy to get hurt. Also if you have two people that experienced the same things your claim is more substantial.

2. Always have permission to be there You want to have the owners permission to go on their property. You don’t want to get arrested for trespassing. Also if it is an actual haunted area, and you are there without permission, the owners could make it where no one in the future could come back. Don’t want to ruin it for everyone.

3. Know your area You want to know your area. There are always dangers in every area you will go. Make sure you look over the area in the daylight before you try anything in the dark.

4. Research Look into the history of the place you are going. Were there any deaths/murders? Any previous investigations? If you know who lived there or died there you can customize your questions that you will use in your investigation.

5. Flashlight Always have a flashlight with you. Again it goes with knowing your area. Safety is most important.

6. Have Patience Like I said before, the investigation can be quite boring. Just need to have patience and hope you caught something that you will find when you go over your evidence.

7. Have FUN! Most important is to have fun. Investigations are fun and exciting times!

8. RESPECT Always have respect for the property you are on. And for the potential entities you may encounter. They were people once and have feelings. You don’t want to make one mad or hurt their feelings. Just like your mom always told you, treat others the way you would want to be treated.

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